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for HR and business events

our most popular service


minute note taker / note taker

objective minute note taking

01 / detailed notes


Do you have a disciplinary, internal HR meeting, fact find, or meeting where you need to have an account of what all participants have said?


Our minute taking services provides you with a detailed account of all key points, documents referenced, and opinion in a clear and concise style.

02 / remote 


We can attend these meetings in person or dial in via phone, Zoom, Microsoft Hangouts or any remote platform you choose. 


You do not need to worry about prep - the note taker will make notes based on what is said and clarify anything if necessary at the end of the meeting.



03 / short notice


As synching schedules can be difficult, we try our best to ensure a note taker is available at short notice.


You can also ask for audio recordings to be typed for the record.

contact us if you would like to see our policies & process

a note taker at work meetings



We can set up accounts with different departments so invoicing is easy.


If preferred, we can bulk invoice if you plan to use note takers regularly.



All note-takers undergo CPD in GDPR, confidentiality, lone working, and more. The notes can be stored on a password protected cloud, or deleted on submission.


Please contact us if you would like to see our policies.





If your business has a particular format for the note taker to use, this can be followed also. Where there are bundles involved, the note taker can refer to this or add this to the document.



fact finds | disciplinaries | interviews

mediations | hearings | tribunals | court | grievances | internal HR meetings | annual general meeting

members meeting | company summit




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email us:

text or call:

07869 88 33 99

we're London based, with support available throughout the UK.

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